Modernization theory, as rationality, basically claims that poverty exists because the poor chose to be poor or exactly to stay traditional. A traditional society is defined as stagnant, with no scientific inquiry (innovation), and ascriptive (identifying with ancestors). In contrast, a modern society is based on science, has an open market, and in continuous progress. Hence, the third world countries are poor because they failed to kindle sparks of creativity, transform their societies, and commit to science and technology through free inquiry. The key solution for modernizationists is to give up the traditional values and start the process of modernization, a linear and ethnocentric process. It starts with countries’ self-transformation by encouraging scientific inquiry and abandoning their traditional values, thus they may realize technological changes leading to Capitalism as a social system. An efficient government is created then because it is vital for the development of Capitals, and therefore, this institution provides public goods and further investments in research ensuring the loop of continuous progression. This process was illustrated by W. W. Rostow in his “Economic Stages of Growth” or the ”Rostovian take-off model”. The model postulates that economic modernization occurs in five basic stages of varying length compared to a plane in a takeoff. The first is the Underdevelopment stage or the pre-Newtonian understanding and use of technology where societies still hitched to their traditional values. The second is the preconditions to take-off when small groups are seeking change and improvement. The third is the take-off, which occurs when sector led growth become common towards economic growth. Forth, the drive to maturity refers to economic diversity and greatly reduced rates of poverty and rising standard of living. And the fifth and last stage of growth is the age of high mass consumption when the country is fully modern. In addition, modernizationists claim that a partnership between rich and poor countries is essential for this process. They think that developed countries can play a critical role in that take-off by the diffusion of technology, corporations’ spread, financial loans, and consumption expansion. Yet, poor countries have a role with their government policy, because modernizationists are also reformers and believe in better policies, more aid, and freer market. Modernization theory is a dominant theory, and it is the base of the world capitalist system.
Think !!!
There's so many different political cases in the world that you can understand every one by studying Most Similar Cases and check what makes the wrong things !
I am trying to use that Comparative Approach to understand and find the key solution for some problems!
Heavy thing to carry alone, but becomes just feathers when carried together ! (7imel ejjma3a riish)
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