Saturday, November 17, 2007

Islamists should have registred this trend !!!!!!

This post comes on respond ( consolidation) of BigTrapBoy's post written in Tunisian Arabic unable to any translation !!

I thought that all that pictures of miracle received by Bluetooth or other ... are unique and can't be found in other civilizations ... especially the western one ...

BUT here's the Vatican claiming that a bonfire picture in Poland is indeed a miraculous image of John Paul II !

Hopefully, this civilization has more people with an other reasoning !
Bill Maher in his show "Real time" discussed briefly but efficiently the topic.



If the Islamic's picture were a patent ... the Moslems would be at least earning money from that !!! In addition, I heard that most of these pictures come from the "ROBE3 EL KHALI" in S.A.!! It should be a great studio there !!


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Think !!!

There's so many different political cases in the world that you can understand every one by studying Most Similar Cases and check what makes the wrong things !
I am trying to use that Comparative Approach to understand and find the key solution for some problems!
Heavy thing to carry alone, but becomes just feathers when carried together ! (7imel ejjma3a riish)