The Island of Djerba, as well as Nabeul and La Goulette, was unique as it gathered many traditions, which knew how to live together in harmony...
National Geographic Video in DjerbaThe issue was well shown in the Tunisian Movie : Sif fi hal9 el oued - Eté à La Goulette

In a American-dating-film-like, Ferid Boughdir, the director, filmed a peaceful epoch. This is the modern history of the Country, and it is a great way to visualize the scene because the only way I heard about is through my grand mother's stories ...
A La Goulette, dans la banlieue de Tunis, tous les enfants d'Abraham cohabitent dans ... la bonne humeur. Jusqu 'au jour ou Meriem la musulmane , Gigi la juive et Tina la catholique jurent de perdre leur virginité avec un
garçon d'une autre religion que la leur…
Translation : In Goulette, in the suburbs of Tunis, all the children of Abraham cohabit in ... good mood. Until the day when Meriem the Moslem , Gigi the Jewish, and Tina the catholic swear to lose their virginity with a boy of another religion that theirs...
A MUST-SEE, especially if you speak Tunisian, and more if you grow up in a city that used to have a blend of religious communities ...
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