Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Philosophic point of view about the truth in religions

First we need to get the real essence of the religion as a fundamental concept in philosophy.
From Wikipedia, trying to have the most objective definition, we can quote :
A religion is a set of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people, often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction.

And here's my thoughts :

Religions could be considered as a mathematic possibility since it could be a system of proper fit elements related with logical link ... or exactly an Axiom. Hence, truth is judged among the coherence of the mathematically logical links between statements.
This theory could mean tolerance among religions as it allows the multiplicity of truths under the simple condition of being coherent in their system.
So, the religion is the equivalent of the mathematic theory
the fundamental texts are the axioms
the other laws are simply derived from this axioms by logic
the prophet (who bring the texts) should be the founder of the theory

Let's compare now a mathematic theory (a Non-euclidean geometry) and a religion (Rastafarian) :

Elliptic geometry



There are no parallel

lines at all unlike

Euclid's parallel postul

Haile Selassie I is

the black messiah, the

living god incarnate

Date of Origin

19th century


For example, the sum

of the angles of any triangle

is always greater than 180°.

Black people are

superior to other


And it is not limited to that ! We can extend this model to any other religion .... and it works ...


PS. I am sorry I had to choose Rastafarian because of the peaceful character of its believers!

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Think !!!

There's so many different political cases in the world that you can understand every one by studying Most Similar Cases and check what makes the wrong things !
I am trying to use that Comparative Approach to understand and find the key solution for some problems!
Heavy thing to carry alone, but becomes just feathers when carried together ! (7imel ejjma3a riish)