Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Why opposing the islamist opponant in Tunisia ?

But blood is assembled to me at my head (Beautiful 3arbi EDDAM TLA3LI LRASSI) when I read that:


* The government should cease using antiterrorist laws against peaceful dissenting.
* The state should improve transparency and oversight in the trial and detention system.
* The new laws, institutions, and actions that limit the associational rights and independence of human rights groups and the lawyers' syndicate should Be rescinded.
* The government should guarantee the right of peaceful Islamists to assembles and participate in politics. “


I think that this point is the grain of dust which blocks all the system!!

I am completely against this recommendation and any political activity for any type of islamist or any other Xiste (with X in [Belief]); and this for the reasons following:

1 - It is the point of view of the opponent Islamics parties to gain the opinion of simple people who are not negligible in number of votes and thus to gain the election without being really qualified;
Example: The Republican in the United States of America (wa ma adrak) are not with the capacity for their super electoral program! <-- It is almost that, yes! I did not stop crossing churches in the United States!

2 - In term of freedom to think or freedom of beliefs, I do not think that these Islamic politicians are the good choice! Even if the content of Islam is very liberal and modern and nice and 3ari9a and saamiya!
Example: Take the example of Iran and their revolution! That could be a better state!!
Civil Political and liberties in Iran continued to deteriorate in 2005. The ruling clerical Establishment engineered the election of has conservative president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, setting in motion has executive purging of reformers throughout the branch. Meanwhile, tensions between Iran and the West increased substantially due to Tehran' S refusal to suspends its efforts to develop advanced nuclear technologies, suspected to Be leaves of has covert nuclear weapons program.” Source: Freedom House

3 - A state based on the faith of a certain religion or ideology or any other non rational, illlogical or scientifically unconfirmed beliefs are not an example of a state with the chances to develop!
- Adolf Hitler with his powerful international force based on the Nazi ideology that developed well, industrially and militarily ;BUT It did NOT last a long time and deteriorated the brains of thousands of people washed and programmed for killing the different ones;
- The Arab world in the 5th century BUT It did NOT last much more than one century before undergoing the disaster of being locked up on oneself and to forget the developing world; Before the arrival of Napoleon, Arabic still thinking that they were the best people on earth (Khayrou ommatin onzilat lil ardh)

4 - As a Religion: The laws are never stable and it is enough that the interpretation of a fundamental text changes to see the opinion of people changing; It would be there equivalent to the law of the church in Europe of the Average Age but the problem this time it is the following point… ;

5 - Especially concerning Islam: What differs Islam from the other Abrahamic religions it is that it has much less controversies! The fact is that it encourages to use the reason in the decision, require to think scientifically, and, simply, wants the Muslim to be perfect! It is not the last religion by coincidence, it learned from the errors of the preceding ones; It is thus difficult to deny it; One can always find a reason to validate Islam so much it is well organized and using well selected terms, being able to be interpreted in different ways depending on cultures; like any other religion.

PS; for the second voter of the survey on Islam !! You won !! You're right !!
Please leave a comment about what you think !

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Think !!!

There's so many different political cases in the world that you can understand every one by studying Most Similar Cases and check what makes the wrong things !
I am trying to use that Comparative Approach to understand and find the key solution for some problems!
Heavy thing to carry alone, but becomes just feathers when carried together ! (7imel ejjma3a riish)